How to Start A Christian Blog in 2021

This step-by-step guide contains everything you need to know about starting and growing a Christian blog.
Are you looking to build a Christian blog? Look no further.
This ultimate guide will show you exactly how I planned, built, and promoted my blog, which attracted over 1000 readers during the first week of launch.
Apart from taking you on my journey, I will also show you how you can plan and launch a highly successful Christian blog in no time.
What is a Christian Blog?
A Christian blog is a type of website where blog posts or articles are presented in reverse chronological order (newer articles appear first).
A Christian Blog is a digital evangelism platform where an individual, group, or religious organization writers share their beliefs and views about the gospel
Why I started my blog
A Christian blog is a type of website where blog posts or articles are presented in reverse chronological order (newer articles appear first).
A Christian Blog is a digital evangelism platform where an individual, group, or religious organization writers share their beliefs and views about the gospel.
Why I started my blog
In 2017, I had what was supposed to be a simple tonsillectomy surgery that turned out bad. At the same time, my wife and I were expecting our third child, and she decided to come two months early.
This was a tough time for my family, to cut a long story short. I ended up going in for a second surgery to repair the damage from the first one, and at the same time, we were attending to our fragile newborn.
One of the most difficult things for me was not being able to attend church. As an immigrant, church means much more than a place of worship. It's a place where we go to reset.
The church is where we catch up and fellowship with people who make life and living in the USA just a little more comfortable and enjoyable. People who lift you up when you are down are always there when you need help.
Even though our daughter was home with us, she still needed attention and doctor visits. We avoided going to church for the next 12 months, and we had to find new ways to consume the gospel.
So even before the COVID-19 hit a couple of years later, my family and I already had experienced digital or online church.
The Problem
There's a big difference between deciding not to go to church and having no choice but to stay home.
I found myself getting a little depressed, especially during the week. I soon realized that the church was for the physically able. One can only enjoy church when one can attend.
The problem with the church is that it has nothing to offer during the week. If I need some encouragement or merely an uplifting sermon, I have to wait for the next day church is in session.
When I was away from the church, I watched a lot of YouTube videos, and the experience was great. YouTube recommended some great videos and some not so great. But the best thing was that I was in control of what to watch.
The power to watch whatever I wanted also came at a high cost. Anyone can be an evangelist these days, and some information people put out there is just wrong and deceiving. One has to be grounded in order to know what is true and what isn't.
As a designer, I saw a massive problem with my church's absence from cyberspace, and my problem-solving skills kicked in.
The Solution
I began my research to find out if other people were experiencing the same problems as I was, and to my surprise, many people were complaining about the same. In fact, I found several online communities on Facebook,, and Reddit talking about how the church was not meeting people's needs.
Digging deeper into my research, I discovered that many people left the church and consumed the gospel online.
The solution was obvious to me. As a digital marketer and media designer, I knew how powerful the internet was and how the church could utilize it to reach and connect with more people worldwide.
Digital evangelism and outreach were the solutions; however, after talking to a few people, I realized that many churches and solo evangelists had tried and failed to take off online.
What I did
I began another research into why so many churches were not gaining ground online and discovered that they were doing things wrong. They took everything they knew about offline church and evangelism and brought it into cyberspace.
They created sermons just like they would in the offline church, and when they put them online, no one would watch except their people. The same was the case with their websites.
I decided to create a digital evangelism process that would teach churches or anyone who wanted to evangelize online. The process had to be sufficient but straightforward to make an impact.

Now that you know how it all began, I will take you on a journey of how I built the DelMethod from planning to deployment and promotion that attracted over 1,000 readers during the first week of launch and over ten thousand in the first 30 days.
Table of Contents
- Why you should start a Christian Blog
- Find and validate a Christian blogging niche
- How to pick and register your Christian blog domain name
- How to get a web hosting account
- Choosing the right platform for your blog
- Setting up a Christian blog on WordPress
- Create content that adds value
- How to optimize your content for visibility online
- Promoting your Christian blog
Why you should start a Christian Blog
I would like to begin with a verse we all know so well, and it comes from Mathew 28 -[19]
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost: [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
If you are still on the fence and need more reasons to start a blog, we have an article "10 reasons you should start a Christian blog." Please read it, and I hope you find a reason to start a Christian blog.
When I was growing up, we spent a lot of time going out witnessing and passing out tracks. Things have changed now; modern evangelism is sanctuary based. Instead of going out, we expect people to come to church.
If you are like me and you want to do your part in spreading love and the gospel, then a blog is a perfect place for you to do that.
The following is what I did to plan, build, and launch my blog.
1. Find and validate your blog idea
There are more than 600 million blogs online and over 31 million writers in the US alone.
One of the most frustrating things that many beginners; Christian bloggers face is that their blogs get no traffic at all.
In fact, according to a study by ahrefs, 90% of the websites online get no traffic at all.
It is easier for your blog to be lost in the thick web than it is to be found by people looking for your content.
Here is the process I went through to discover a niche and validate it.
Find a problem you want to solve
I can never overstress how important it is to create a blog aimed at solving a problem.
Most people create blogs hoping to publish content, and when they finally launch, no one shows up to read their content, and they give up.
An excellent way to figure out if your blog will work is to ask yourself: What is the biggest problem facing Christians today?
You might say, "People don't believe in God," or "People are losing faith in Christ ."
Before you write anything down, think about it for a few days. If you cannot think of any problems facing Christians today, then you probably shouldn't be blogging.
What is the best way to get traffic to a Christian blog?
Before you start planning out your blog, It is essential to know how and when the Christian journey begins.
There are so many entry points into the Christian journey, and we will not cover that in this article; however, it is vital to point out the main differences between the offline and online journeys.
In the offline space, one comes to your church based on the following;
- Proximity - how close your church is to them,
- Your belief system,
- Programs you offer,
- Day of worship,
- Friends and family,
- History.
On the other hand, the main entry point for the online Christian journey starts with a question, and to be successful online, you must first discover what that question is and then answer it.

A man has recently lost his wife and child to COVID-19, and he's trying to find encouragement and perhaps a sermon to help him cope with the loss.
He goes to Google and types in, "how to grieve during COVID-19?" Here is the difference between offline and online search results.
Offline Ministry
Job's Endurance - is an excellent sermon about Job's Endurance and faith in God.
Online Ministry
How to grieve during COVID-19 when you're all alone.
Both these titles are correct, but only one will get traffic online.
People go online to find solutions to a problem or pain-point they are experiencing.
In my case, I knew that I wanted to do something in the digital evangelism and outreach field, and that was my starting point.
The next thing I did was research online and talk to a few people I know about the challenges of digital evangelism.
After my research, it was clear that I had to provide solutions to the problems many churches and faith-based nonprofits were facing when taking their ministries online.
Validate your niche idea
Without validation, you risk investing time and money into something people don't need.
One of the mistakes I noticed many people making was that they did digital evangelism precisely the way they did offline evangelism, and that did not work.
To validate your idea, you have to find out if there's a demand for the service or solution you are about to provide.
Through the power of digital analytics tools, I was able to validate my idea.
2. Register your Christian blog domain name
One common issue I run into when helping people come up with their blogs is that they want a name to describe what they do.
If you do it that way, you will have a very long name that no one remembers.
The key here is to have the shortest and most memorable name for your blog. Your blog name doesn't have to describe your niche. Think of Apple - nothing to do with the fruit.
In my case, I spent a lot of time looking for a name that was both short and memorable.
The first thing I did was write down all the keywords and random words that came to mind. At the end of the exercise, I had hundreds of names.
The next step was to horn in and discover the number one issue I was trying to solve.
It was clear that I wanted to change the way the church does evangelism.
Since the church uses a pyramid type of organization, where the leader decides what to feed everyone, I wanted to change that. I believe that Christians have needs, and it is the leadership's job to make sure that all members' needs are met.
The only way to change the pyramid type of organization is to turn it upside down, precisely what I did. I turned a triangle into an inverted triangle, also known as a del, and the DelMethod was born.
What is a domain name?
A domain name is like your address. It is the only way people can find you online.
Many people ask me the difference between hosting and domain and why I need both.
Here is the simplest explanation.
- Domain - your house address,
- Hosting - your house,
- Web content - your writings,
If someone wants to visit you, they need your house address ( domain). Hosting is your house, and if your address has no home, people will not find you.
In short, you need both the domain and hosting to have a functioning website.
Once you find the perfect blog name, it's time to see if it's available for you to register.
Since there are billions of websites on the web, likely, you won't be able to register your name because it's already taken. It's always good to have several fallback names before the search.
There are several ways to search and register your domain name, and I highly suggest that you get your domain even before you get your hosting.
The service I use for my domains is called Namecheap. I love this service because it allows me to manage several areas in one dashboard and makes it easy to connect to external hosting.
3. Choose the right platform for your blog
Another question I get often is, "why do I need a platform when I have hosting?" A platform is a software that runs your website.
Let's say you buy a new computer. Without software, your computer is useless.
In this case, we are talking about a blogging platform that will allow you to create and publish articles.
As a web designer for over ten years now, I had to choose between two competent platforms WordPress and Webflow.

Wordpress is the most popular and powerful, powering over 35% of websites on the internet right now, with over 455 million sites. I have been a Wordpress designer for more than ten decades, and it was my default choice.
Why I chose Webflow
I recently started developing websites on the Webflow platform, and I fell in love with it. I knew that building a highly customized blog would be time-consuming and challenging, but I decided to go with Webflow.
It was more work for me, but I love that I was able to create something personal and exactly as I wanted it.
You may also wonder what's the best platform for your Christian blog, and there's no magic answer to that. You will have to decide based on budget, time, and skill.
A webflow site will cost you more because it's more customized than a wordpress site. You will also find a lot of wordpress designers compared to webflow, so you can get a website up and running faster.
What platform should you use?
If you are a beginner on a budget, I suggest you go with WordPress. You can hire someone to build for you or build it yourself.
Wordpress is also template-based and most templates will allow you to build fast and your blog will be up and running in no time.
But if security, quality, and ease of use are what you are going for, then I highly suggest going with Webflow.
You can learn how to build in webflow or hire a webflow expert to do it for you.
4. Get a web hosting account
There are so many hosting services for wordpress, and your choice will depend on price and support.
Here is my favorite wordpress hosting service.

Our recommended website hosting Siteground hosting services because it is crafted for top speed, unmatched security, 24/7 fast and expert support, and is trusted by more than 2 million domains!
In my case, I went with Webflow's dedicated hosting, which Webflow manages. If you need more information about Webflow, please check it out here.

Experience the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a 100% visual canvas. Free design tool. Top-tier hosting. 100% customizable CMS. Types: Responsive web design, Marketing sites, Blogs, Prototyping.
5. Create a brand for your Christian blog
Now that you have the name of your blog and decided on the hosting services, it's time to create your identity.
Your brand identity is much more than a logo and colors, and you must take a reasonable amount of time to develop it.
It is also essential to know that brands develop and mature over time, so don't let this process slow you down.
Get the fundamentals done, and work on the rest as you grow and redefine the brand.
Developing my brand identity was the most challenging and most time-consuming for me. Yes, the fact that I am a designer made things worse.
I struggled to pick my colors and fonts, this is something I efficiently do for my clients, but for some reason, it wasn't the case with my brand.
After weeks of struggle, here is what I finally settled on.

6. Create content that adds value
Without content, you do not have a website. That's why we say, "Content is king." It's better not to have a website than have one without content or poorly written content.
When creating content, it is essential to put your target audience and the problem you are trying to solve at the forefront.
It is easy to get sidetracked, and if that happens, you will write about everything under the sun.
Another essential thing to remember is to listen more to your audience.
You don't want to spend a lot of time and resources writing things no one but you want to read.
Once you write the first few articles, you must pay attention to what your audience wants and then write about it.
I had a specific goal for my first blog, and I planned to write about ten articles before launch, and that did not happen. I wrote about eight blogs that mainly presented my thoughts and ideas.
The first eight articles were deliberate because I wanted to introduce myself, what I am about, what drove me to start a blog, and what my readers should expect from me.
Once I launched, it took me about one month before I wrote another article. During this time, I observed and talked to people about my writings. I took notes and made some changes to my original idea.
7. Optimize your content for online visibility
There are over 2 billion websites online right now, and it's tough to be found online.
However, through the power of search engine optimization, you will be able to put your website in front of people looking for solutions you want to solve.
Search engine optimization is a broad term and takes a lot of time to master, and I will not be telling you everything you need to know in this article. However, you can comment below if you're interested in an SEO course or some resources, and I will send that to you.
So the short story to SEO is that write about topics people are looking for and make sure to optimize your blog for SEO.
Here is another article, " Church SEO The Best 5 Tips For Your Church Website," to help you get started.
8. Promote your Christian blog
Apart from optimizing your Christian blog for search engines, you will also have to do some promotions for people to find your website.
There are many ways to promote your website, but here is how I promoted mine.
1. Tell family and friends
I put family and friends' promotions first because this could build or break your momentum. It's easy to expect support from family and friends to support you, but that's not always the case. Please don't get discouraged if you don't get support from your family, remember who you are trying to help.
2. Online communities.
Online communities are a great place to start your Christian blog promotion. There's always a community for any topic or problem you want to solve.
You can find these communities on Facebook Groups, Reddit, Quora, etc.
Please remember not to spam your communities. The best way to promote your content is by creating relevant content that solves the problem your community is talking about.
3. Post on Pinterest.
Pinterest is a search engine, just like Google, and it's one of the best places to promote your content. You may have to invest some time and probably money to create great-looking pins.
If you feel creative, you can do it yourself easily and cheaply by using web-based tools like, you can find a designer on or similar services.
4. Paid Ads
If you have some cash to spare, go ahead and put out some ads. The best places for ads are Facebook, Google, and Youtube.
You can spend as little as $5 per day on Facebook ads. The best part about ads is that you will be able to reach your ideal audience.
Somewhere along the way, the church's evangelism strategy changed from "go out" to "come to church." If you've tried door-to-door evangelism lately, you know how hostile the world has become. People just don't have the time and patience to engage.
Things are not the same, and that should not stop you and me from spreading the gospel. It only means that we must innovate and adapt. After all, no one said it'll be easy.
Now you can spend the whole day going door-to-door and talking to a few people or take our ministry online, where 4 billion people spend a lot of time daily.
The modern missionary is not the one that sails across the globe but one that creates content for the web.
I hope that this article pushed you just a little further into starting your evangelism and outreach machine.
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